Using Stored Expressions
An expression is a combination of common mathematical values and Neurons for ITSM proprietary functions. You can use expressions in a search, quick action, dashboard, workflow, or business rule. The power of expressions gives you more control over your results. You can enter text constants, functions, or expression delimiters.
Neurons for ITSM allows you to store expressions for reuse in multiple ways; for example, you can use them in quick actions, searches and dashboards, and styles.

Use Stored Expressions the same way you use expressions. The key difference between using stored expressions and using traditional expressions is that stored expressions can be saved for reuse. For detailed instructions on the use of expressions in different scenarios, please refer to the online help for expressions.

- Access the Stored Expressions workspace from the Build section of the Configuration Console.
- The Stored Expressions workspace provides a list of existing stored expressions.
- Select any of the headings in the workspace to sort stored expressions. These include:
- Name
- Association
- Description
- Type
- Expression
- Modified By, and
- Last Modified
- Click the Edit icon to edit an existing stored expression.
- This opens the details for the stored expression.
- You can modify the description and the expression from this workspace.
- Click Expression to open the Expression Editor.
- The Expression Editor toolbox provides a list of relevant fields and functions used to modify the stored expression.
- Write the expression and click Simplify Expression.
- Literals are not supported in stored expressions. Values must be wrapped in $() so they are evaluated correctly. For example, an expression cannot simply be True; rather, it must be $(True).
- See Expression Grammar for detailed instructions on expression syntax and for syntax required for using Stored Expressions.
- Click OK to return to the Stored Expressions workspace.
When you click OK, the Expression Editor automatically validates the expression syntax.
- Click Save to save your edits, or click Cancel to discard any changes.
Access additional help at Using the Expression Editor.
- Use the Filter Association dropdown menu to filter existing stored expressions by their associated business objects.
- Click the Add icon to enter the Expression Editor and create a new stored expression. Detailed information on creating stored expressions can be found in Creating and Deleting Stored Expressions.
- Click the Refresh icon to refresh the list of stored expressions.